How to Build A Personal Brand You’re Proud of: Tips for a Strong Identity (online and offline)
Whether you’re just starting out in your career or you're a seasoned pro, building a strong personal brand is crucial for getting ahead
I’ve been in business for over ten years and my biggest regret by far is neglecting my personal brand (for the first 7 years or so anyway).
I told myself “I’m far too busy, what value can I add? No one cares about social media, It's cringe to promote yourself” etc, etc.
With wisdom and hindsight I now see how BULLSH** the above excuses are and have since kicked them to the curb.
Understanding Human-Centric Marketing: Why It’s Essential for Your Brand
You know that feeling when you find a brand you connect with? You think, "Wow, they get me. These are my people. I want to be their friend." You feel compelled to follow, like, and subscribe. That is the essence of human-centric marketing. You’ve heard all the terms…. "raving fans," "brand loyalty," and "content that converts" well it all boil down to one thing: human-centric marketing.